A FFXIV   muse   displaced from her origins and striving to become greater than herself and her means. Strength and dignity are tools for her greatness. Circuits and Wires are means to an end. Divinity and Grace are the breaths she Takes. Won't you join her on her journey through these -


I can feel burning in these circuits of mine.

Before you   CONTINUE    This character makes use of a special CODE and elements of a story not yet introduced to FFXIV making many aspects of the character    NON-CANON.   If you are uncomfortable with this, then please do move along and I wish you a pleasant time zone. I'm doing what makes me happy and comfortable these days and it is not my responsibility to tip-toe around your boundaries regarding how I portray my character in this regard. Thanks.

   Present day. Present time  

carrd template by cassiaslair.


  I go by MINA  

—  one.

If you have a legitimate   issue   with me and something I'm doing. TALK TO ME. Don't wait until it boils over and you're upset about it. Be direct. I won't get mad. Communication is the strongest thing we have as human beings. I have au-ADHD and don't pick up on subtleties easily.I can't read your mind. TALK. Be very plain with me. I want to learn. - Ramping off of this, if we have beef, talk to me about it. Seriously, let me know what I did wrong.If I'm asking you to explain it to me i'm not asking you to be my accessory with your mental health. I'm asking so I can take responsibility. bsffr

—  two.

On the Subject of   RPs  I'm comfortable with most types of RP. However everything should be discussed first. I don't like to assume anyone's comfort level especially when in regards to sexuality, or content.Please ask me and I shall do the same for you. It's important to mind boundaries in terms of content. I won't however police what you wear or what you dress up as.

—  three.

I am and always have been   A person of color.    I am extremely uncomfortable with topics of Slavery, Racism and won't RP them nor will I associate with people who do. I don't care how relevant they are in the game. I don't care if you're Garlean and hate all savages. That ain't it with me, boo boo.

—  four.

Have an idea for a universe?   Tell me.    I love writing and enjoy exploring the ideas in other people. I want to see what you come up with and what's in your head too.

—  five.

I am not   overpowered.   Most of the things I do are based on a d20 system that I roll in a chat to see if I pass or fail something. If you want me to do it aloud or in /say chat let me know! If you'd like to join in on that system: again, let me know.

—  six.

I do in fact use   MARE   If you don't like it or don't use it, that's fine. But if you do use it my code is this:   NRKGC7H7VZ  
Do not bash me for using mods/mare. I will not bash you for it. You can still RP with me if you don't use it/prefer the vanilla game as I describe everything my character has and does and make use of theater of the mind. This is a game. And it should ALWAYS be for enjoyment.

—  seven.

If you want to add me on   discord   I require that we at least interact a few times first as I'm a bit wary of who I speak to due to past experienced. FFXIV has proven to be quite the hell scape ad I've learned that I am in fact to old for the shit that comes with it.

—  eight.

Lastly.   Interaction  . Walkups and /Tells are always welcome and adored. Both in character and out of character. Please don't be afraid to ask me about my character and what she is capable of! Mina also uses lots of Shadowrun/Cyperpunk slang. Examples include: Choom, Chummer, Omae, Drek, CyberPsycho, Nova-Hot, Nova, Corpro, ect.


  This is because the body, physical motion, the activity of the human brain is merely a physical phenomenon, simply caused by synapses delivering electrical impulses.  

—  tier one.

  age.     Older than you think.
  birthday    27th of MARCH
  pronouns.     SHE/THEY
  sexuality.     PAN.
  height.    6'7"
  hair color.     Black
  eye color.     MECHANICAL. Magenta.
  skin tone.    Pale.
  notable features.     Augmented Light Adaptive Tattoo. Cyber-Eyes. Vitals Monitoring System and a Chrome Spine. - More Upgrades to Come.
  flist   Warning: This link is NSFW Click the text.

—  tier two.

  family.     The Rabbits of the Moon
  marital status.     Single
  d&d alignment.     Chaotic.
  likes.    The Oni, Keeping Busy, Wires and Circuits, Sweet Foods, Spicy Company, The sound of Rain, the Feeling of a Clean bath. Electronics.
  dislikes.     Silence, The Palace on The Moon
  virtues.     Quick Witted, Fast, Polite, Smart.
  flaws.    Hot Tempered, Sarcastic
  personality.     Minami is a   Gyukuto.  A Jade Rabbit on the Moon. Though by her appearance one would not guess such a thing. She is heavily augmented. Her body thrums with self-made aether-augmentations. Cultivated and built herself. Even her tattoos and eyes shine with the Machina
Minami is a   quick-witted   woman. Oft finding herself at the forefront of operations in the Tek-runner. She makes and Sells illegal MagiTech and Aethero augments for those interested in augmentation. Ask about her Immunosuppressant. It's good drek.

Under the cover of the rising moon and the deafening pound of mochi -- the most precious thing is concealed.- She and the Oni plan the great escape. - No one must ever find it. So She kept it safe as she leapt from the kingdom of the kami.. hiding away between the spaces in the stars. - To this day she hopes to never be found. - He may not remember. But she does.

美 清水

  "We're all connected. Somewhere that interconnectedness must be severed. "   

— ability stats.

—    INTELLIGENCE.   3/6
—    WILLPOWER     3/6
—    CHARISMA   6/7
—    LOGIC   2/5
—    EDGE   4/6
—    REACTION   4/6
—    AGILITY   6/7

—  before the fall.

Minami Shimizu is one of a clan of thousands. She is a Gyuokuto. Born as the protector of the elixir of life. -- As they are, Gyuokuto are born to pound mochi and within it are mixed the special ambrosia to the Eastern gods and deities of the moon. - Minami was no different, serving as one of thousands of familiars, ladies and waiting and favored pets of O-Kami Tsukuyomi, the eastern Goddess of the Moon.
Forsaking this role and stealing this elixir is the gravest of missteps and one of the greatest thrills of Minami's life. To this end-- she did not complete this feat alone. Her siblings pitied their positions.. and sought bravery for themselves. But they were too cowardly to go through with it. Though what was stolen is miniscule by comparison to what is daily produced the sin committed in the eyes of the kami is still great -- She can ever return.
Not that she would ever want to.-- In all her years of descending to Ethyries the pittiful rabbit found herself engrossed in not only it's politics.. but it's unique cultures and ways of life. As the mortals evolved.. so too did she. Taking on the modern, the mundane and even the odd. But- something in particular caught Minami's eye.Magitech. And that is where her story takes off. Engrossed in the thrill of augmentation, they sought to change who they were fundamentally and aesthetically. Light, circuits and wires. - Minami's hype fixation with the technology grew, and with it.. a new skill was born. - So.. dive with her on the journey through the NET and find this fixation. - What will the wired tell her?


Who does she know? Who Doesn't She know? Who does she think she doesn't know?



  main or exclusive.   UNKNOWN
  Nicknames    Anata (Dear), Baby, My Love, My Oni, Darling, Ghost, Specter.
  summary.     Her Savior from the Kingdom on the Moon. Together they jumped, cursing the Kami. He doesn't remember her, but she adores him all the same.



  RELATION     Personal Headace, Work Associate, Friend?
  main or exclusive.     main .
  Nicknames    Funnyman, Asshole, Clown
  relationship.     Pain in her ass, Work partner, Someone she enjoys (?)
  summary.     She met Jestah in the lane and he begged her for a date. Turns out that date was a scam and she's been stuck with him ever sense. He drives her insane int hat endearing sort of way. - She wants to punch him. (Affectionate)



  blog url.     url here.
  main or exclusive.     main.
  your muse name.    your muse name here.
  relationship.     sibling.
  summary.     optionally write a summary of your muse's relationship with this person, or write a quote about your muse's thoughts on this person.